Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Wishlist: January 2013 ❥

Hello everybody!
I'm sure you all agree, there's a lot of pretty things coming in the shops at the moment, in particular Topshop and H&M. I really enjoy writing little wishlists whether I can afford the things or not so I thought I would share them with you.

1  MAC Stereo Rose Mineralize Skinfinish - £20.50

I have to be honest, I probably only want this because I haven't made a Mac purchase in a while and there's always so much hype about this one product when it is re-released in a limited edition collection which just makes me want it more, not to mention its shimmery pink with gold veining. The price however is pretty steep. This one might just have to stay on my wishlist but maybe I'll cave in.

2 Topshop basic neppy tee in khaki - £14

I've been obsessed with khaki recently, I just find it such a versatile colour. I am visioning this tee with just my black leather jacket, a pair of black leggings, some converse and bam! Outfit sorted. Again, I think the price is quite extreme for such a basic piece but I know I would get a lot of use out of something like this and as I received Topshop vouchers for Christmas, I think this would be a pretty good buy.

3 The Drums Portamento CD - £8

If you listen to The Drums, I love you and that is all. Seriously, they're my favourite band right now! I've been listening to them for about a year now but this album is just like perfect track after perfect track. You'll love them if you listen to bands like The Vaccines, The Maccabees, Bombay Bicycle Club etc (more faves of mine). My most played tracks have to be Days, Money, Book of Revelation and I also love Let's Go Surfing and The Future which unfortunately aren't on this CD. I strongly recommend having a listen,even if the album cover is slightly freaky!

4 -Topshop Martina T Bar Geek Shoes - £30

These are so cute its unreal. They are exactly like those little shoes your mum would force you to wear from Startrite when you were 4 when really all you wanted was a pair of lelli kellys except now I am obsessed with them, they're so vintage looking and pretty. They're also available in orange and white but I definitely prefer the black. I'm still 'um'ing and 'ah'ing about these, £30 isn't a lot but I've had pretty bad experience with Topshop shoes in the past (the studded flats) and I don't want to take the risk again!

5 - Maybelline Fit Me foundation - £8

I've noticed my ever so trusty Rimmel wake me foundation is running out and instead of repurchasing it, I want to try something new. I bought this for my mum for Christmas and she's really liking it, I swatched the 'Ivory' shade in boots today and it's a pretty nice match so if I do buy this, it might become my new favourite!

That is all I'm lusting over at the moment, is there anything on your wishlist? Have you tried anything I've mentioned? Leave a comment!
Stay gorgeous, Britt x


  1. The MAC MSF really reminds me of their blush called Dainty! So if you wanted a slightly cheaper alternative i'd recommend that blush! it would probably be a bit more pigmented that a MSF as im sure you know but i love it! xxx

    1. Just looked at it! It's gorgeous! Thank you for the recommendation :D xxx

  2. I just purchased the MAC msf in porcelain pink and I am totally in love with it! x

    1. Yeah, i've tried the maybelline fit me and its really nice! there's a review on my blog if you want to check it out?

  3. I'm definitely going to make a wish list haha;) I love MAC, i have a mineralize powder which I use if I dont want as much coverage as the foundation :) xx

    1. Yay! they're good fun to make :) That sounds good! xx

  4. Get revlon colourstay! It's amazing for pale skin like us:)

  5. I have had the maybelline fit me foundation and I put it on and for a start the colour matched but it was so orange! And it's really hard to blend, this is what I thought and that topshop top is so nice, you should buy it such an every day tee by the way have a look in primark I have seen a few t-shirts like the topshop one but cheaper just have a look anyways :) hope Tha helped !!!
