Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Lush Space Girl bath bomb

Hello everybody!
I received Space Girl for Christmas and was super happy because it's always been a favourite of mine. 
I just love the smell. Remember those palma violet sweets that you would always find in party bags? It's like them! It's perfect if you like sweet, candy smelling fragrances. 
You literally drop it in the bath and it fizzes at a nice speed, it resembles a rocket! I love how it erupts and makes a fizzing noise! Something I also was never aware of, I think it must be a new feature, is the popping candy. After I figured it wasn't my bath tub breaking, I found it rather cool! This is also one of Lush's cheapest bath ballistics at only £1.95. I would really recommend picking this up.
Hope you liked this mini review, as I have lots more Lush products to use would you guys like to see more?
Look! It's a planet!


  1. Pretty colour bath water, what a lovely gift!

  2. I think they have put the prices up for this as i had to pay £2.10 for mine :) I havent tried it yet, but i'm excited now as i saw what it did to your bath :) xx

    1. oh that's annoying! ahh well, they're definitely worth it :) enjoy using it! xx

  3. Great post :D i just got this bath bomb in a christmas boox i got in the sale at LUSH and i can't wait to use it, looks pretty lovely haha

    Just stumbled across your blog and couldn't resist not following :) hope you'll stop by and take a little peek through mine:D



  4. Hi I have tried that bath bomb but I didnt like very much :( I am 12 years old and have started a blog http://confessionsofabeautyblogger101.blogspot.co.uk/ Also I LOVE your blog and youtube chanbel :) :) xxxxx
