Sunday, 30 December 2012

I'm back for good! ♥

Hello lovelies!
I am back, for good. I have been somewhat M.I.A with my blog but I've decided that I really want to keep it up so I'm back with a new appearance (blog wise) and I feel much happier about posting!
It's currently 12:15am but I just have the urge to write, so.. New Year's Eve! I'm spending it with family and we're going out for a meal so I'm thinking me and Mia will film our OOTD's on her channel!
My plans for tomorrow include mainly film some videos and have a nice family evening, watching the TV announce it's 12:00am. Crazy to think 2012 is over, woah.
So, for new year's resolutions! 

Get out more! I spend too much time indoors, I plan to bike ride more, I'm surrounded by fields so maybe some cute picnics, aw how tumblr
Revise more, I'm so bad at revising it's un-believable so I want to be on at least a B in all subjects and an A in the ones I enjoy 
Save more, all my money goes on Subway cookies and McDonald's fries, I have decided to monitor my money, possibly in a journal.. Or not.
Persevere with my scrapbook! I have one and it's actually so nice to look through, cringey or not, it makes me smile so I will definitely add to it and keep you all updated!

Well, I am happy I'm back in the game haha and I will speak to you shortly, stay gorgeous
Britt xx

1 comment:

  1. oh, i love your necklace! excited to see more from your blog dear!

    lindsey louise
