Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow day! ♥

Hello girlies, if you live in England I'm sure you already know but.. IT SNOWED! I woke up this morning, checked the school website and screamed, I love snow days. Instead of lying in I decided that I would film for my main channel so I have the weekend free to do whatever (which will mean revising, fab) but I am happy with my new video and it might just be my best one yet!

 I didn't actually get out in the snow until about 2:30. I went out in my onesie and wellies, looking lush! The bunnies even had a hop around, too cute.
I will eventually do some beauty posts, I just love sharing chunks of my day with you all, mainly photos!

Hot chocolate is definitely a must for cold days, as you can see I go all out with whipped cream and cute mugs! Hope you had a lovely day, whatever the weather and if you're in England, making the most of the snow
Love to you all


  1. Hiya lovely! OMG yes the snow! haha :) I nominated you for the Liebster Award! All the information is here!


  2. Great post! I like personal posts! I was sosososo excited to find out i didn't have school too! XXX

  3. The snow in England looks so heavy and fun ! It's slowly making it's way here into Ireland xx

  4. Hi Britt, I nominated you for a Liebster Award on my blog as I love your blog here so much!

    Go and check out the post on my blog (

    Thanks, Beth x

  5. Love this post Britt<3 Please could you all check out my blog? I will return the follow and I only have 16 followers and I love blogging so much xox

  6. Aw the little mug is so cute! I had a snow day too today :) xx
