Wednesday, 16 January 2013

I need your help! ♥

Hello girlies, hope all is well! for today's quick post I just have a quick favour to ask.. 
If you are subscribed to me on YouTube you have probably already heard buuuutt there i currently a program running called 'On The Rise'. It's a program to help smaller Youtubers like myself to gain more recognition. It ends tomorrow (17th Jan) but If you could enter my channel 'JustLovesFahion' for it I would be crazy grateful!

You just have to copy this link into the url bar ..

Thank you so much if you do, I love you :) 
Speak soon!


  1. I have entered it! Could you please enter me too? hehe xxx

  2. I was looking for something like this and I am so glad that I finally found it

    I am going to purchase superdry t shirts... Please suggest me!! Is the best option?
