Friday, 11 January 2013

2013 memories jar ♥

Hello beautifuls, so happy it's Friday! Hope you all have a fabby weekend!
This evening I was feeling a bit creative. I'm sure you have all seen this idea floating around tumblr, twitter and other blogs and I thought it was the cutest idea ever. The idea is to basically fill the jar with good things/memories that happen over the year; you can write them on paper, tickets, pictures, anything and then on New Year's Eve you open it and see all the good things that have happened in the last 365 days.

It was so fun to make, this is what I used:
- A pattaks jar, lol!
- A Laura Ashley fabric sample
- Printed of lettering
- Red glitter
- Paperchase stickers

I downloaded the font off - it is called 'brain flower'

The glitter was just from a craft store but it totally reminds me off Dorethy's ruby red slippers! I covered the lid in glue and and then the glitter because the lid said 'pataks' all over it, haha

My jar is now sat on my drawers proudly

I hope you enjoyed this short post and get some ideas!
Have you made one? Tell me in the comments!

Love you all, Britt 


  1. I haven't made one, but it looks so cool, I think I will! You are so inspirational, especially because you are the same age and your british! Lol! When will you upload a new video? Btw, an idea is a nail tutorial, cos I have seen so many of your nails and I <3 them! R u allowed to have them painted 4 skool?? xx Oh also, I was wondering if u wanted to do a make up swap?? Let me know! Kavi xx

  2. Omg i love this! Will definitely be making one!

    -Hannah x

  3. Aww sweet Idea I might try it
